At Bloom we take pride in the therapeutic process with our clients. While as a practice, Bloom specializes in anxiety, depression, eating disorders, stress, and trauma treatment, each clinician brings their own skillset and expertise to provide treatment to additional mental health concerns as well.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders, affecting approximately 19% of adults and 32% of adolescents in the U.S. each year. Common symptoms of anxiety are listed below.
Specific Anxiety Disorders We Treat at Bloom Include:
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Specific Phobias
Social Anxiety Disorder
Unspecified Anxiety
Common Anxious Symptoms:
Avoidance of nervous/anxious triggers
Avoidance of social settings/situations
Constant worries
Difficulty focusing or zoning-out
Feelings of impending doom/terror
Feeling out of control
Feeling restless or on-edge
Nervous habits
Panic attacks
Sleep difficulties
Digestive issues*
Muscle tension*
Racing heart*
* It is important to discuss any physical symptoms with a medical professional.
Approximately 19 million adults and 3 million adolescents experience depressive episodes in the U.S. annually.
Depression may be experienced as one episode, but for most, depressive disorder recurs.
Specific Depressive Disorders We Treat at Bloom Include:
Adjustment Disorder with Depression
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Common Depressive Symptoms:
Changes in appetite
Depressed mood
Difficulty sleeping
Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
Excessively sleeping
Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and/or worthlessness
Lack of motivation
Loss of energy
Loss of interest in things previously enjoyed
Low self-esteem
Persistent sadness
Aches or pains*
Digestive issues*
* It is important to discuss any physical symptoms with a medical professional.
Eating Disorders
Over 30 million individuals experience a significant eating disorder in their lifetime. One person dies every 52 minutes due to an eating disorder.
Eating disorders are complex illnesses that have severe emotional and physical consequences. Because of this, it is recommended that those struggling with eating disorders work with a multi-disciplinary team involving a therapist, dietitian, and medical professionals, specifically trained in eating disorder treatment.
At Bloom all of our therapists are Intuitive Eating and HAES® aligned and either on track to become or already are Certified Eating Disorder Specialists.
Specific Eating and Related Disorders We Treat at Bloom Include:
Anorexia Nervosa (AN)
Atypical Anorexia
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD)
Body Image Concerns
Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
Chronic Dieting
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)
Common Eating and Related Disorder Symptoms:
Anxiety when presented with "fear" foods
Avoidance of specific food items as related to sensory features
Being considerably underweight for age and height
Body checking behaviors
Checking food labels
Control issues
Constant weighing
Cutting out food groups
Denial of severity of low weight, fixation on "healthy eating"
Dependence on nutritional supplements
Difficulty chewing food
Distorted body image
Eating habits interfering with normal social functions
Eating items that are not considered food
Eating until uncomfortably/painfully full
Excessive and compulsive exercise regime
Excuses for not eating/denial of hunger
Extreme pickiness in choosing food
Failure to gain weight in children
Feelings of distress, shame, embarrassment, disgust, or guilt related to food and size
Food rituals, eating large amounts of food rapidly
Heavy influence of weight and perceived body image on self-esteem
Hiding or hoarding food
Intense and dramatic mood swings
Intense fear of gaining weight or of being fat
Lack of appetite
Lack of control over eating
Low self-esteem
Memory loss
Preoccupation with food, weight, and body shape/size
Persistent behaviors to manipulate weight
Rapid weight change
Restricting food intake
Secretive eating and/or missing food
Self-medicating with food
Significant weight loss/low body weight
Sleep difficulties
Social isolation
Use of purging behaviors, such as vomiting, excessive exercise, laxative or diuretic use
Visits to the bathroom after meals, weight fluctuations
Vomiting or gagging after exposure to certain foods
Physical Warning Signs of Eating Disorders:
Abnormally slow and/or irregular heartbeat
Anemia (iron deficiency)
Broken blood vessels in eyes and/or face
Calluses on the back of the hands/knuckles
Cardiac arrest
Cathartic colon
Cold intolerance/hypothermia
Constipation and/or diarrhea
Decreased estrogen/testosterone/thyroid hormone
Decreased growth hormone which may lead to delayed physical maturation
Development of peptic ulcers
Discoloration and/or staining of the teeth
Electrolyte imbalance
Gallbladder disease
Gastric rupture
Gastrointestinal problems
Growth of fine, downy hair (lanugo)
Heartburn/acid reflux
Heart disease
High cholesterol
Inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus
Irregular or loss of menstruation
Joint and muscle pain
Kidney and liver damage
Lipid abnormalities
Low blood pressure
Low blood sugar
Muscle loss and weakness
Pale appearance/yellowish skin-tone
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
Poor circulation and/or swelling in extremities
Sleep apnea
Sore throat
Stomach pain and bloating
Swollen parotid glands in cheeks and neck
Thin, dull, and dry hair, skin, and nails
Tooth decay/gum disease
Weak or brittle bones/osteoporosis/osteoarthritis
* It is important to note that there are several severe physical implications of disordered eating. It is crucial to discuss any physical symptoms with a medical professional.
Stress & Trauma
Approximately 1 in 13 people in the U.S. will develop PTSD at some point in their life.
While everyone experiences stress, sometimes stress remains stuck in our mind and bodies. Stress and trauma can create emotional and physical effects immediately after the event and in the long term.
Specific Types of Stress We Treat at Bloom Include:
Burnout or Chronic Stress
Caregiver Stress
Chronic Illness or Medical Stress
Emotional, Physical, and/or Sexual Abuse Victim
Familial Stress
Life Adjustments, Transitions, and/or Stressors
Secondary Trauma
School Stress
Relational Stress
Vicarious Trauma
Work Stress
Specific Types of Trauma Disorders We Treat at Bloom Include:
Acute Stress Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Common Stress and Trauma Symptoms:
Anger or irritability
Avoidance of triggers to traumatic event
Denial of experience
Difficulty concentrating
Emotional numbness
Feeling jumpy or constantly alert
Flashbacks or persistent memories of the event
Having difficulty processing your experience
Sleeping difficulties
Digestive issues*
Racing heart*
* It is important to discuss any physical symptoms with a medical professional.
Additional Concerns
Other Mental Health Concerns Bloom Clinicians Treat Include:
Adolescent Mental Health
Adult Mental Health
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Childhood Mental Health
Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain
Communication Issues
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Life Adjustments
Low Self-Esteem
Maternal Mental Health
Mental Health Professionals Mental Health
Relational Concerns
Self-Harm Behaviors
Suicidal Ideation
Women's Issues
Young Adults Mental Health
1111 SE Federal Highway
Suite 206
Stuart, Florida 34994
150 Kent Road
Suite 1B
St. Augustine, Florida 32086