Professional Services

In addition to therapeutic services, Bloom provides professional services to provide education, consultation, supervision, and community outreach.

Karen Moore, LCSW-QS, CEDS-C and Alyssa Hickey, LCSW-QS  are Qualified Supervisors for Clinical Social Work. Therefore, Karen and Alyssa are qualified to supervise professionals with a Registered Clinical Social Work Intern designation, seeking Licensure in Florida as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

Karen Moore, LCSW-QS, CEDS-C

Karen has found that one of her professional passions is providing supervision. She enjoys educating, sharing insights, and witnessing the professional growth of others. Karen's supervision style includes reflection, direction, and compassion. She recognizes the continuous growing need for skilled mental health providers along with provider's needs for balance, therefore she strives to set people up for success by empowering them to feel confident in their work while also utilizing tools for burnout prevention and recovery.

Alyssa Hickey, LCSW-QS

Alyssa's supervision style is marked by compassion, curiosity, and empowerment. Drawing from her own transformative experience with mentors, she guides supervisees to discover their unique strengths and clinical beliefs. Alyssa emphasizes self-care and resilience, equipping individuals with the tools to navigate their roles confidently and effectively.

Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Consulation

Karen Moore, LCSW-QS, CEDS-C is an iaedp-Approved Consultant for Certified Eating Disorder Specialists. Therefore, Karen is approved to provide consultation to professionals seeking a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist designation through iaedp (International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals)

Due to the multi-disciplinary work required to treat eating disorders, CEDS-C can provide supervision to those outside of their profession seeking a CEDS. For example, Karen can provide consultation to therapists, dietitians, and medical professionals. 

Additionally, as iaedp is an International Association, consulting can be provided across state and national lines.

Case Consultation & Collaboration

If you are a clinician that does not specialize in eating disorders, self-harm, EMDR, or DBT and are looking for how to best aid a client Bloom therapists are able to provide both case consultation and collaboration.

This may take the form of a Bloom therapist: 

Community Events, Trainings, & Workshops

Bloom recognizes the importance of community outreach regarding mental health and eating disorders. 

Bloom provides community outreach through educational trainings or workshops, community events, retreats for healthcare providers, and involvement in local community coalitions and organizations.

Some training topics Bloom staff have provided in the past include:

1111 SE Federal Highway

Suite 206

Stuart, Florida  34994

150 Kent Road

Suite 1B

St. Augustine, Florida  32086

